On the dangers of smoking to tell boring and useless. It has long been involved in this and psychologists, and physicians, and our own parents. I - a person smokes - a lot more interesting to understand why people start smoking and how to find strong enough and the desire to quit. However, we now have with your children are concerned.
By and large, they differ little from those of adult smokers in this aspect, but they still have a chance to eliminate that appears on the stupidity of habit and not to return to her future. With our help, of course.
Why start?
Well, the answer is quite simple: curiosity and the desire to resemble a more "authoritative" peers or older children. They're children! In addition to the house - a comfortable, healthy and sustainable buildings - there is always a society where a child does not feel your support, which is quite different laws. And those laws generally do not look like the ones that you have installed for years. One word, one might be tempted. Change, school toilet or park near the school, self-confident and successful classmates ... It was at this point, if you could watch it from, well, by participating, you can see the force of the principles embedded you, your child's resilience. I just always tends to education, to education, which instilled not punishment and shouting, and his own example and healthy communication. Either yes or no. Of course, that first cigarette may well be the last, but it can never be the first of ...
Suppose you have done everything right in the early stages of education: not smoking themselves, do not allow friends to smoke with your children, the child was given to understand that such cigarettes, and that threatens him if he smoked in the future. But for your school garage-bred and good child took and lit a cigarette. Read story has two possible continuation. Option one: do not like it, spit and forget. Option Two: like, "I will indulge a little, and then easily throw" and so on. Believe me, I do not exaggerate, it all passed me in his own childhood - is exactly what happens.
I think that a pack of cigarettes in the hands of the young person or on his desk looks awfully vulgar. Cigarettes - adult attribute. I attribute a very dangerous, this we know. If you think clearly, weigh the pros and cons, think long-term and perform other useful inferences, children seem to be smoking should not. Even want. But slim logic - the features available to adults. In children, it is different.
And there you have the situation: you are angling for the proverbial pack of deep-pocket backpack or find it behind the battery. "Hopes dashed - my son will be traded on the market of felt boots!" - Well, you might think. Well, such an option, of course, always possible. But why not take himself in hand and not try to solve an unexpected problem nicely?
"Horror stories"
Often the first thing that comes to mind - method of the wedge. Somehow we have already dealt with this method, when talking about children's fears. Which just scares do not tell people. Making the right to smoke a pack of Belomorkanal file a pile of cigarette fumes at dinner, soak a cigarette in milk, dry them and stuff in her nails, to reduce the morgue and show the light smoker ... Parents are inventive in terms of punishment, no doubt. However, do not you think, my friends, that such methods can hardly be called civilized? Afford such method of education in this matter, we may in the future to allow him and other areas. What good is that your child becoming an adult, and will also educate their children? Few, I think.
Sadly, in some cases, these methods are effective. Wonder. But let us not hurry! There are other ways. Try to start something more humane and civilized. Not received - brutality at your own risk, but with a clear conscience.
"Well, what do?"
First, calm yourself, do not panic and remember who you are. You - the parent! If you do not have a bad case, the child trusts you, and in many ways mimics. Even if he does not show it. Having calmed down, talk to him. Seriously, thoroughly and in an adult. Explain what is nicotine, give the figures at the very least show photos of light (keep in mind, however, the psychological resistance of your child), find out why he started smoking ... There must be a long and important conversation. Do not cry between cooking dinner or stereotyped phrases in advertising between favorite show. Let your offspring will remember every word. Depending on the specific nature, this conversation may already be a solution.
But do not relax. This could happen again. So take care of the future. Smoking - that he is absolutely the opposite? Of course, sports. Record the child to swimming or tennis, choose something that he liked. A teenager involved in sports seriously, physiologically unable to smoke. Most likely he will understand how seriously cigarettes affect the body. Here is important when selecting classes. What to do if you unsporting child? Observe him and find out what he really likes to do. And finding out, put it on a higher level. Drawing, dancing, design, music - all this will distract your offspring from unnecessary and unwanted thoughts.
In general, the practice shows that nonsense toil those children who lack attention and interesting cases. Both of you can give him, is not it? Walk to parks, museums, cinema. In general, be a family in the first place!
In conclusion, this article would like to add that according to some studies, chewing gums, chocolates and candy in the form of cigarettes increases the likelihood that the child will smoke in the future. On this occasion I can say the following: any cigarette paraphernalia bad. Do not underestimate the power of associative thinking children. Looking at the advertising of cigarettes conscious eyes, your son or daughter should already know how bad - smoking. Maybe you have not told your child, as a bad thing? Well, so do it today!
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Sunday, December 13, 2009
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