Sunday, December 13, 2009

Our children are smoking?

On the dangers of smoking to tell boring and useless. It has long been involved in this and psychologists, and physicians, and our own parents. I - a person smokes - a lot more interesting to understand why people start smoking and how to find strong enough and the desire to quit. However, we now have with your children are concerned.

By and large, they differ little from those of adult smokers in this aspect, but they still have a chance to eliminate that appears on the stupidity of habit and not to return to her future. With our help, of course.

Why start?

Well, the answer is quite simple: curiosity and the desire to resemble a more "authoritative" peers or older children. They're children! In addition to the house - a comfortable, healthy and sustainable buildings - there is always a society where a child does not feel your support, which is quite different laws. And those laws generally do not look like the ones that you have installed for years. One word, one might be tempted. Change, school toilet or park near the school, self-confident and successful classmates ... It was at this point, if you could watch it from, well, by participating, you can see the force of the principles embedded you, your child's resilience. I just always tends to education, to education, which instilled not punishment and shouting, and his own example and healthy communication. Either yes or no. Of course, that first cigarette may well be the last, but it can never be the first of ...

Suppose you have done everything right in the early stages of education: not smoking themselves, do not allow friends to smoke with your children, the child was given to understand that such cigarettes, and that threatens him if he smoked in the future. But for your school garage-bred and good child took and lit a cigarette. Read story has two possible continuation. Option one: do not like it, spit and forget. Option Two: like, "I will indulge a little, and then easily throw" and so on. Believe me, I do not exaggerate, it all passed me in his own childhood - is exactly what happens.


I think that a pack of cigarettes in the hands of the young person or on his desk looks awfully vulgar. Cigarettes - adult attribute. I attribute a very dangerous, this we know. If you think clearly, weigh the pros and cons, think long-term and perform other useful inferences, children seem to be smoking should not. Even want. But slim logic - the features available to adults. In children, it is different.

And there you have the situation: you are angling for the proverbial pack of deep-pocket backpack or find it behind the battery. "Hopes dashed - my son will be traded on the market of felt boots!" - Well, you might think. Well, such an option, of course, always possible. But why not take himself in hand and not try to solve an unexpected problem nicely?

"Horror stories"

Often the first thing that comes to mind - method of the wedge. Somehow we have already dealt with this method, when talking about children's fears. Which just scares do not tell people. Making the right to smoke a pack of Belomorkanal file a pile of cigarette fumes at dinner, soak a cigarette in milk, dry them and stuff in her nails, to reduce the morgue and show the light smoker ... Parents are inventive in terms of punishment, no doubt. However, do not you think, my friends, that such methods can hardly be called civilized? Afford such method of education in this matter, we may in the future to allow him and other areas. What good is that your child becoming an adult, and will also educate their children? Few, I think.

Sadly, in some cases, these methods are effective. Wonder. But let us not hurry! There are other ways. Try to start something more humane and civilized. Not received - brutality at your own risk, but with a clear conscience.

"Well, what do?"

First, calm yourself, do not panic and remember who you are. You - the parent! If you do not have a bad case, the child trusts you, and in many ways mimics. Even if he does not show it. Having calmed down, talk to him. Seriously, thoroughly and in an adult. Explain what is nicotine, give the figures at the very least show photos of light (keep in mind, however, the psychological resistance of your child), find out why he started smoking ... There must be a long and important conversation. Do not cry between cooking dinner or stereotyped phrases in advertising between favorite show. Let your offspring will remember every word. Depending on the specific nature, this conversation may already be a solution.

But do not relax. This could happen again. So take care of the future. Smoking - that he is absolutely the opposite? Of course, sports. Record the child to swimming or tennis, choose something that he liked. A teenager involved in sports seriously, physiologically unable to smoke. Most likely he will understand how seriously cigarettes affect the body. Here is important when selecting classes. What to do if you unsporting child? Observe him and find out what he really likes to do. And finding out, put it on a higher level. Drawing, dancing, design, music - all this will distract your offspring from unnecessary and unwanted thoughts.

In general, the practice shows that nonsense toil those children who lack attention and interesting cases. Both of you can give him, is not it? Walk to parks, museums, cinema. In general, be a family in the first place!

In conclusion, this article would like to add that according to some studies, chewing gums, chocolates and candy in the form of cigarettes increases the likelihood that the child will smoke in the future. On this occasion I can say the following: any cigarette paraphernalia bad. Do not underestimate the power of associative thinking children. Looking at the advertising of cigarettes conscious eyes, your son or daughter should already know how bad - smoking. Maybe you have not told your child, as a bad thing? Well, so do it today!
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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Why do men go to women-10 reasons

The gap is the same sad experience, which has the majority of people. People break up for various reasons and at the same point of view, men are usually very different from the female view of the problem. Almost everyone blames the other side, while, as in the gap each party the right to blame their own way.

For some similar reasons, decided to break relations man?

The first reason - the woman is no longer a concern to it. It does not matter in the sexual sphere lost interest in the lady or in the field of communication. Male for long relationship need not only a mistress, but a woman with whom there is something to talk about. This is not to crush a man intellect, he needs to feel their superiority in order to feel a full head of household.

The second reason stated is 90% to part-dissimilarity of pairs of characters and insurmountable contradictions. Most often it is trite means that a woman does not want to compromise. Even the most loving man did not survive the constant need to obey the requirements of women and sooner or later will find someone who feels like a leader.

Third: the inability to restrain themselves in society. Every man dreams of a woman, which is not ashamed to appear in society. If a woman does not know how to behave, can flare up and effusively behave in public, then it will cast a shadow and a man. No one wants to embarrass in public places, or even close the company for his companion.

Fourth reason is also fairly simple: too tempestuous young woman. Few men want to link their fate with a woman who led promiscuous sex life. The idea that a woman is unlikely to change so soon with the advent of a permanent partner in life, able to poison the very life together. Especially if the lady had the experience of relations with his friends or just acquaintances.

Reason pyataya.Bessmyslennaya talkativeness may also become one of the reasons for separation. Communication is important between people who are close, it is necessary to share their news and plans to talk about life aspirations. But the constant monologue about a woman for a man unimportant things anyone would bring up to white heat.

The sixth cause of many separations is that the woman did not pay much attention to her appearance. Remember, no one wants to marry a beauty with chiseled figure, which, having obtained her husband, a couple of years becomes blurred neglected aunt.

The reason is the seventh-frank pressure on the marriage. You can not put pressure on the man, the more pregnant in order to achieve goals. This will only make yourself unhappy, new first child. Man himself must want marriage, or your family life happy not to be.

Reason eighth-betrayal of women. No man will not tolerate this, do not forgive and forget. If on your treason may become known to man, just be aware that this is the right break in relations, which is almost impossible to avoid.

Reason devyataya.Esli woman loves only her purse partner, this is the reason for the gap. Remember that every man feels the absence of warm feelings for him and is unlikely to agree to such commodity-money relations. Men love to make gifts and do not like them cheating.

And reason number ten, stayuschaya increasingly relevant in recent years: large salary of his wife. The situation when a woman gets more men are becoming more frequent, but do not cease to be painful for the male ego. And if a woman allow themselves being rebuked men on this occasion, the gap is guaranteed.

Learn to seduce a master-class!

Sexologists agree that the principal masters of seduction - that the Spaniards, nature has provided them with irrepressible temperament and habit haunt the object of his passion. Nine out of ten seigneury first acquainted with men and just hang them on the neck. But annoying Spanish cavaliers very persistent in their courtship.

The main weapons of the Spaniards - is a piercing look straight in the eye. They are regarded as a manifestation of interest, confidence and physical attraction. And caballeros are good judges and are able to "shoot the eyes" is not worse senor. By the admission of every five residents of Spain, without looking "eye to eye" romantic relationship is simply impossible.

The Japanese prefer to seduce, easy spaivaya elect or chosen one his favorite drink - sake. Incidentally, this oriental nation embodies the global trend. According to statistics, more than half of all nationalities lavelasov consider alcohol the evening and talk heart to heart as the most effective means of rapprochement.

Beer bye - a long tradition in Germany and the Czech Republic. A few beers, tasty sausages and greasy jokes - and the object of your desire is fully convinced in those countries.

But any rule, as usual, there are exceptions. The Portuguese, in spite of all of Europe, proved to be the most "sober" lovers: only one in seven of them considered it permissible to use a small amount of alcohol with seduction.

Also, scientists and sexologists point out that 50% of people in the world recognized that they can seduce "quite ugly people", provided that it will apply to the conquest of good practices and be able to interest them.

Most Norwegians are considered to be picky: seven out of ten of these Northerners are ready to surrender to joy, yielding "technologically literate temptation": with a lot of compliments, gifts, romantic dinner and beautifully furnished culmination.

Another thing - France - a country of romance and true gentlemen. The French adore gifts, prefer to give flowers and chocolates, go to the galleries, linger in cafes, picnics in the parks. But the Frenchwoman can not seduce a couple of hours with the usual "gentleman's set". At least, it should impress.

But the British and the Dutch are willing to love, always and everywhere. It was in England and the Netherlands found the largest number of representatives of the oldest profession. And here are the priestesses of love are subject to certain code of conduct. For example, prostitutes are allowed to ogle, to demonstrate its "bodily" charm and professional "skills" - all this is not closer than 3 feet and 5 inches to a potential client (less than 1 meter).

Also prohibited grab potential customers' hands (and other organs) and drag behind it without their "informed, sober mind and memory, consent. All these "curly" formalities unconditionally executed and bohemian Soho district of London, and in Amsterdam's red light district.

The Dangers of the lack of sex female body?

We often hear about diseases, sexually transmitted diseases. In recent years, sex education, even trying to enter as early as possible in schools to protect children from the dangers of sex. The word "sex" in the minds of modern man, sadly, is firmly connected with the word "disease". But for some reason no one has thought about the fact that the lack of sex is also very harmful to the organism. Both men and women, sex is necessary not only for pleasure and procreation, but also to maintain mental and physical health.

Learn how to effect the lack of sex on the female body, we asked a gynecologist:

- Certainly, the lack of sex affects women's health negatively. This is evident in all different ways. Someone is nervous - that is, abstinence is reflected in the mental health problems. And someone is manifested in the form of various gynecological diseases.

There are some specific diseases that arise from lack of sex?

- Yes, of course. Specifically, what kind of disease, then, for instance, may fibroid. This is a benign tumor of the uterus. In the absence of sex in women, as well as generally more pronounced premenstrual syndrome: pain, fatigue, apathy. In the climax - it may be more pronounced climacteric disorders. There are all sorts of uterine bleeding. After all, what is sex on a physiological level? This massage of the uterus. And if it does not happen for a long time, then, of course, this leads to violations.

Is it possible to allocate specific time when the lack of sex begins to be harmful to health? For example, a month - this is useful, but a year - already bad.

- I would say this: there Lyuli that are able to sublimate, that is to occupy himself with something else, adequately replacing sex. It is now fashionable to say, do not live at the lower chakras. Then they do not need sex as such. And then they do not suffer from diseases and disorders. So make some time impossible. Just as wrong to say that all women in the absence of sex sick.

That is all the same mechanical treatment (massage of the uterus) may be replaced by psychological?

- In principle - yes. All these diseases and disorders rather psihosomatichskogo nature. When a person is busy, he just has not before. But only if it "yet" is not delayed. If he is so busy for a year or more, then, of course, against this background that might arise disease. Neurasthenia, for example. It is clear that it is not directly related to sex - it arises from exhaustion. But the lack of sex it promotes. After all, sex - it is in fact more and relaxation. He is in any case needed.

But if a woman gets into a situation where you find a partner does not, then we recommend autoginekologichesky massage. There are special yoga exercises. This is a real way out of situations where there is no partner.

Autoginekologichesky massage therapists or you can make yourself?

- No, go to the doctor, of course, do not. Enough to learn the most. I heard about this massage of the books on gymnastics yoga. Specifically, of the books M. Norbekov. But there are a number of books on oriental related to this problem.

Again, if a man all these eastern affairs is not close, you can find another occupation. For example, dancing.

There are some special dances, replacing sex?

- No, why! Regular dances. Any dance - is a certain relaxation of sexual energy.

Or it can be a relaxing bath with pine extract. Not necessarily, of course, with the conifers. After all, somebody needs to calm nerves, and someone on the contrary, a cheer up. All depends on the person and the degree of severity of neurotic states.

Consistent with its practice, can name some the most common disease caused by a lack of sex?

- You know, we can not say that here is abstinence from the experience such a disease. This is not correct. Abstinence can exacerbate the condition, a catalyst for the disease, but not the cause.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Heat a child

Probably not such a child who has never risen to the temperature. This is the main reason for the call pediatrician.

Contrary to popular belief, there is no clear relationship between the thermometer and the seriousness of the disease. Some children at a temperature of 38 º C and are eaten with relish. And it also happens that even at a temperature of 37 º C baby feels completely shattered.

What is a high temperature?

Increase in temperature - is a natural reaction to the disease. The immune system of the child reacts to the invasion of alien organisms increase in temperature, as well as increased production of white blood cells (leukocytes) and other cells, designed to combat the disease.

In itself, the temperature increase is only a symptom, which indicates the presence of the disease. In a normal body temperature is 36,6 º C, although during the day, it can vary from 36 º C in the morning to 37,7 º C in the evening.

Fever in a child is:

* Temperature oral dimension - more than 37,7 º C
* Rectal temperature (rectum) - more than 38 º C
* The temperature in the armpit area - more than 37,2 º C

When should worry?

Attention should any increase in temperature in a child younger than 6 months. In any case, you must immediately consult a doctor.

Although the temperature increase caused parents to worry, a healthy child as a whole it is in itself not dangerous. Nevertheless, one can not ignore the rise in temperature: it can be a symptom of serious illness.

Most of the temperature increase caused by viral diseases, which can be treated at home. At the same time, should contact a pediatrician, to exclude the presence of serious infection and if necessary prescribe antibiotics. By common bacterial infections that cause fever include infection of the middle ear, throat and respiratory tract.

Typically, the temperature is kept within 1-3 days. Most often, it ranges from 38-40 º C. High fever, usually does not deliver much discomfort to the child until it reaches a 38,8 º C. At this temperature, the skin becomes hot, the child hits a fever, may sweat, thirst or shortness of breath. Chills are a sign that the temperature rises. Sweating indicates its decline.

As the temperature increases the child may become restless or, conversely, inhibited. Some children at very high temperatures begin febrile seizures. This is an alarming sign, but most of these attacks quickly ends and does not cause lasting damage to the health of the child. For febrile seizures is characterized by rolling up his eyes and sharp shake the limbs.

Immediately call an ambulance if the patient is a child:

* Less than 6 months
* Cries constantly and can not calm
* He became lethargic and not react to what is happening around
* Can not turn my head
* Shortness of breath
* Suffers from excessive salivation and difficulty swallowing
* Slap in the convulsions
* Covered with bright red rash

In less urgent situations requiring treatment to the district pediatrician:

* Complaints of pain in the ear or discharge from the ear
* Vomiting or diarrhea accompanied by increased temperature
* Complaints of abdominal pain
* Cough or nasal discharge for several days, accompanied by a rise in temperature
* Complaints of pain when urinating
* Re-fever a day after her fall
* Deteriorating state of health or a disease.

Treatment of high temperature in children

Diseases associated with increase in temperature, most often treated at home. You need a thermometer and medicine. The most common drugs - acetaminophen (paracetamol) and ibuprofen. The doses depend on age and weight of the child. Paracetamol is available in the form of drops, syrup and chewable tablets. The concentration of the drug depends on the dosage form. For example, the concentration of the active substance in drops for infants is higher than in syrup for younger children, so before applying should carefully read the instructions. If you have the slightest doubt, contact your doctor or pharmacist, as overdose of these drugs can lead to serious consequences. Keep in mind that the reduction in temperature allows the child to feel more comfortable, but the duration of the disease is not affected.

How to bring the temperature down a child?

At higher temperatures, to avoid dehydration should give the child more fluids. Recommended water and fruit juices.

A sick child should take more rest and sleep. Typically, the temperature is sufficient to measure 1-2 times a day. Especially for this to wake the child is not worth it.

If after receiving antipyretic drugs temperature remains above 40 º C for 15-20 minutes you can put the child in a bath of warm water. Not recommended rubbing alcohol or cold water. If the baby in the bath shivering, you can add some hot water. Can not leave the child unattended in the bathtub.

Even if the child was shivering, do not coddle him and harbor a warm blanket. This may cause a further increase in temperature.

Children can not bring down the temperature of aspirin. This drug in the presence of viral infection can trigger the development of Reye syndrome.
Rx New Hampshire

Video games and your child

Play or not play - that is the question. Over 90% of today's children play video games. How long a child can safely carry the game? What you need to know about this form of entertainment?

Video games may entertain and develop children. But the games also take time, which he could spend on other things. According to studies, young people, carried away playing video games, spend on homework is 40% less time than you need. A shortage of time for reading is about 30%.

Parental control

Parents should monitor the time that children spend a video game.

* Set limits. Reduce the time to play during the school year, Prioritize. First, the child should do homework and daily duties. On weekends you can allocate more time to play, if Needed.
* Insist that play before bedtime. Games in the evening and night causing sleep disorders.
* Monitor the time spent playing. Put a game console or computer in a visible place. In this case immediately clear how much time children spend playing, and easier to follow the child to take breaks to rest and let the hands and eyes. Especially important to follow for younger children. They especially need to set strict limits.
* Encourage sport and physical activity. During the game, children usually sit. They need to warm up from time to time: play catch-up, chasing a ball or ride a bicycle.
* Check video games. Sami browse video games and make sure that there was no violence, obscene language and scenes for adults. Before you buy a game to seek the opinion of her other parent.
* Make sure the child did not raise addiction. Game excites the imagination. If a child can not do without it, then it's time to limit the time spent in front of the monitor.

Not so bad

If the child is playing video games within reasonable limits, they contribute to cognitive development and helping to develop new skills. The potential benefits of computer and video games are as follows:

* Introduction to computer. The child acquires and improves computer skills, this is a big plus for further study.
* The mental development. Some games are developing thinking, attention and logic. Also help to improve memory and decision-making skills.
* Coordination of movements. Video games help to improve the coordination of movements.
* Willingness to school. Educational games are preparing the child for school.
* Communication skills. Games with the participation of several players teach the child to interact in a group and be patient.
* Relaxation. Games bring temporary relief to sick children and children who have experienced severe stress.
* Exercise. Some modern video games are interactive and make the players move.
* Creativity. Some games are developing the imagination. It is always useful.

Passion for video games at the expense of physical activity leads to the fact that the child grows awkward and early gains weight. Try to teach a child to read more and spend more time outdoors.
Rx South Carolina

Signs of Dyslexia

Even in kindergarten Natasha difficult to remember new words. At school, she could not understand the difference between letters and sounds. Even in second grade, while generally capable of a little girl, she does not read and write errors.

Natasha's mother suspected that something was wrong and went with her to the school psychologist. Inspection revealed that the girl suffers from dyslexia - a violation of perception of oral and written language, words and numbers.

Dyslexia - is a congenital disturbance in the nervous system. Often it is inherited. I know the word and define what it means for a child with dyslexia - a real struggle with himself. These children did not correlate with the sounds denoting their literal symbols. They read the words on the contrary (instead of "cat" - "current") and doing it very slowly, often not understanding what they read.

How to identify dyslexia?
Usually dyslexia determines psychologist. This disorder is the most common cause of difficulties with reading and writing at school age. Most often it occurs in children with attention deficit disorder and / or hyperactivity.

Symptoms of dyslexia may include:

* High level of intelligence, but poor reading skills
* Repeated errors when reading and writing, for example, the permutation or missing letters and words
* Failure to meet with an assignment in the allotted time
* Poor memory
* Difficulties with the letter
* Difficulties with the definition of left and right, top and bottom.

If you suspect dyslexia child must undergo a full medical examination. Work is also a standard test, detecting level of reading, writing, ability to express their mysshi etc.

Dyslexia is not curable, but can help your child overcome their disadvantage and to achieve success. Specially trained teacher or a psychologist to teach the child to cope with situations requiring the ability to read and write.
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