Friday, September 18, 2009

Video games and your child

Play or not play - that is the question. Over 90% of today's children play video games. How long a child can safely carry the game? What you need to know about this form of entertainment?

Video games may entertain and develop children. But the games also take time, which he could spend on other things. According to studies, young people, carried away playing video games, spend on homework is 40% less time than you need. A shortage of time for reading is about 30%.

Parental control

Parents should monitor the time that children spend a video game.

* Set limits. Reduce the time to play during the school year, Prioritize. First, the child should do homework and daily duties. On weekends you can allocate more time to play, if Needed.
* Insist that play before bedtime. Games in the evening and night causing sleep disorders.
* Monitor the time spent playing. Put a game console or computer in a visible place. In this case immediately clear how much time children spend playing, and easier to follow the child to take breaks to rest and let the hands and eyes. Especially important to follow for younger children. They especially need to set strict limits.
* Encourage sport and physical activity. During the game, children usually sit. They need to warm up from time to time: play catch-up, chasing a ball or ride a bicycle.
* Check video games. Sami browse video games and make sure that there was no violence, obscene language and scenes for adults. Before you buy a game to seek the opinion of her other parent.
* Make sure the child did not raise addiction. Game excites the imagination. If a child can not do without it, then it's time to limit the time spent in front of the monitor.

Not so bad

If the child is playing video games within reasonable limits, they contribute to cognitive development and helping to develop new skills. The potential benefits of computer and video games are as follows:

* Introduction to computer. The child acquires and improves computer skills, this is a big plus for further study.
* The mental development. Some games are developing thinking, attention and logic. Also help to improve memory and decision-making skills.
* Coordination of movements. Video games help to improve the coordination of movements.
* Willingness to school. Educational games are preparing the child for school.
* Communication skills. Games with the participation of several players teach the child to interact in a group and be patient.
* Relaxation. Games bring temporary relief to sick children and children who have experienced severe stress.
* Exercise. Some modern video games are interactive and make the players move.
* Creativity. Some games are developing the imagination. It is always useful.

Passion for video games at the expense of physical activity leads to the fact that the child grows awkward and early gains weight. Try to teach a child to read more and spend more time outdoors.
Rx South Carolina

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