Friday, March 12, 2010

cute shape

What shape are your buttocks - round or pear-shaped? In principle, it does not matter, the main thing - strong muscles. With the help of the exercises described in this chapter, you will attach the buttocks best form.

Gluteus determines the shape of this part of the body. The muscle belongs to the strongest in the human body. Its main function - the straightening of the hip, when, for example, you get up from a chair or climb stairs. Well-trained gluteus maximus along with the abdominal muscles stabilize the pelvis.

Before you begin immediately to implement the exercises, here are some tips for best practice:

- Always, before starting to move, first tighten the abdominal muscles, legs, pelvis and buttocks. So you will save their healthy joints and muscles will work more intensively.

- Taz - parallel to the floor. Stay stable middle position of the pelvis. Do not pick one side over another. Taz is always on the same line.

- Raise and lower your pelvis or legs slowly. Make smooth transitions, as if the exercise has no beginning and no end.

- Breathe correctly. Straining, exhale, relax, breathe. So you are getting enough oxygen, working in the rhythm of your breath and find your optimal pace.

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Exercises for the buttocks

1. Original position. Emphasis on the forearms and knees: elbows - under shoulders, palms turned inward, knees - under your hips, you can put a towel.

Exercise. We raise bent leg to the height of the pelvis and then falls almost to the floor. The peculiarity of execution: when lifting the legs thigh and upper body should be part-lyat one line. Strain your abdominal muscles to prevent lordosis lumbar spine

- Beginners 2-3 sets of 4-8 times, then change the leg trained 3.4 approach to 12-24 times, then change the leg with weights 2-3 sets of 8-24 times, then change the leg.

2. Original position. Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended forward, her shoulders drawn back.

Exercise. Bend legs. We nominate the pelvis back, as if going to sit on a chair. To equalize the slightly moving the upper torso forward, then back again, in the original position. The peculiarity of execution: his knees are above the ankles, buttocks do not fall lower than his knees.

- Beginners 2-3 sets of 4-8 times; prepared 3.4 approach by 12-24 times.

3. Original position. Lying on your back leg bent at the knees, heels stressing ARE the floor, arms along the hull, Lado-altitude upwards.

Exercise. Hands resting on the floor, raise the pelvis, while the upper part of the body and thighs not constitute a single line. Again omit body almost to the floor.

- Beginners 2-3 sets of 4-8 times; prepared 3.4 approach by 12-24 times.

4. Original position. Lying on your back leg bent at the knees, heels stressing ARE the floor, arms along the hull, Lado-altitude upwards.

Exercise. Holding the pan in the raised position, alternately straightens one or the other leg. In this case the thigh parallel to each other. The pelvis is raised.

- Beginners 2-3 sets of 4-8 times; prepared 3.4 approach by 12-24 times.

5. Original position. Lying on his stomach, for support you can put a rolled towel under the belly. Legs together and bent at the knees, his head resting on his hands.

Exercise. Firmly tighten the abdominal muscles, legs and buttocks. Try a half-inch from the floor to lift both knees. Slowly return to starting position. Osobennsot execution: raise your knees slowly, not abruptly.

- Beginners 2-3 sets of 4-8 times; prepared 3.4 approach by 12-24 times.

Your good shape already noticeable, and run straight for you to become monotonous? Then try to do walking up the stairs. This will give the muscles of the buttocks and legs particularly the flexibility and improve your endurance. Walking up the stairs can be constructed as follows:

- 10 minute warm-up for warming up the muscles - normal walking on a straight line.

- 10 minute walk to the best possible long staircase. Slowly walk up and down. If you have enough breath, step through step. Back when this straight, your knees relaxed, feet gently rolling.

Walking up the stairs will give effect to the legs and buttocks and nice variety to your sport.

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